The Mexican Embassy in Argentina said that its staff was not expelled and that it does not have a conflict with the Milei government


The diplomatic headquarters emphasized that the relationship between the countries "is solid" and is "based on mutual respect and bilateral cooperation."

The Mexican Embassy in Argentina denied having a conflict with the government of Javier Milei and the alleged expulsion of diplomatic personnel. Through his account on the social network

"We deny such claims, the relationship between Mexico and Argentina is solid, based on mutual respect and bilateral cooperation," he concluded. The publication echoed rumors published in recent hours.

This Thursday, the Argentine Foreign Minister, Diana Mondino, spoke for the first time about the diplomatic disputes that were fought this week between Argentina, Colombia and Mexico due to statements by the presidents of the three countries, Javier Milei, Gustavo Petro and Andrés Manuel López Obrador , respectively. Far from wanting to escalate the conflict, the Argentine government official toned down the crisis and stated that "it will not affect long-term relations."

"The relationship between countries is very long-term, much superior to that which the presidents may have. We do not have to confuse the country, the nation, and what the presidents think. The opinions do not affect the relations between both countries. We do not have a State issue, it belongs to people. The (social media) accounts are personal," Mondino said in dialogue with journalist Jonathan Viale on the TN program "La Ves."

In this way, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine government tried to defuse a conflict that in the last few hours went from verbal exchanges to a concrete decision by the Colombian government, which ordered the withdrawal of its ambassador and requested the expulsion of Argentine diplomats in that country. territory.

Furthermore, this same Thursday Gustavo Petro had resumed the dispute and, far from cooling down his comments, he once again targeted Milei, linking him to "a new neoliberal experience" that could "end in failure."

Javier Milei, meanwhile, had also been intransigent in ensuring that his attitude and statements are a reaction to previous attacks by both Petro and López Obrador. The entire conflict, which is not new, had been revived by an interview by the Argentine president with CNN, where he confirmed that he describes Petro as a "murderous communist."

In her first intervention on the subject, Foreign Minister Mondino also gave a clue as to what could be one of the arguments to bring positions closer together. In fact, he mentioned in passing that Milei used the past tense, that is, the word "was" to indicate that Gustavo Petro had a guerrilla past, implying that he no longer has one. "It is something that Petro himself has recognized," added the chancellor.

Mondino's position throughout his first reference to the issue was, at all times, aimed at lowering the tone of the disagreements between the heads of state, and he compared the relations between the countries to an ocean liner, which is not going to change. of course unexpectedly, but rather it is something established in the long term. "In no way, relations have not been broken. In the diplomatic world there are several stages. The relationship between countries is very long-term, much greater than that which presidents may have," he assured.

In this reasoning, the official indicated two specific situations. On the one hand, Argentina has not formally received the communication from Colombia about the withdrawal of its ambassador, nor the request to do the same with the national diplomats in that country. Thus, the possibility remains open, as inferred, that Colombia's statement could still be reversed. Mondino assured that he was working in that direction.

On the other hand, he explained that his work is limited to a professional position, which will try to expose the commercial relationship and historical ties that Argentina and Colombia traditionally maintain. "In Argentina we were exposed for a long time to opinions taking the country from one side to the other. Javier Milei is a Republican, he has campaigned with the Constitution in hand. We will not escalate this," explained Mondino.

Finally, the Argentine said, in a personal capacity, that her intention is to lower the decibels of the exchanges between the heads of state. "It is not conducive to anyone," he reiterated.

Source: Infobae